Site area: 13 acres
Total facilities footprint: approx. 1300m2
External Areas:(Area: approx 470m2)|
Total occupancy: 100–140 people
* chocolate production factory (Area: approx. 400m2)
- provide a FDA & OSHA approved production area for the production of gourmet chocolate
- Work room
- Roasting room
- Melanger-broyer room
- Conching rooms
- Food store room
- Lunch room/kitchen
- Restrooms
- Service parking for delivery trucks (capacity: 3 trucks)
*staff living quarters
- 8 persons
- Restrooms
- Bedrooms
- living room
- laundry area
* a tourist visitor center (approx. 200m2 / 2)
- provide a public gathering space
- Café/chocolate tasting area
- Point of purchase area/small store
- Gallery
- Visitor restrooms
- Visitor parking (capacity: 3 buses, 10 cars)
*Community Gathering Spaces (approx. 200m2 / 2)
- Large meeting hall/auditorium (capacity: 60 persons)
- Community research library
* fair trade exchange /research center
- allow direct communication with international clients
- enable the artisans to continue to create unique designs
- photograph their art and immediately post each piece on the web
- artisans crave to research design trends
- Special order chocolates, such as wedding favors or specialized holiday gifts.
- Computer training room
- Small photography and graphics studio
- Server closet
- Administrative offices (2)
*Greenhouse/Botanical Gardens
*Picnic Area
Site: off-site, undetermined
Facility footprint: approx. 3 m2
Total occupancy: 6-8 people
- located off the main site in remote and semi-rural villages.
- 1 Design
- small independent structures, kiosks, addition to an existing structure, partitioned space within an existing structure
- Can be permanent or semi-permanent
Meant to:
- provide communication resources to international markets for rural artisans
enable artisans to receive and print orders for their handicrafts directly from overseas vendors
- provide access to the internet to allow artisans to research design trends to then modify their traditional designs to modern fashions
- communicate with Kallari's administrative offices and staff in the main complex
• 3 computer workstations per hub
• Secure storage
• Printing equipment
*sustainable and/or local building materials (bamboo, thatch and wood)
* using local labor to realize their design.
*respect and protect the unique environment and biodiversity of the Ecuadorian Amazon. *They must also honor the traditions and culture of the Kichwa-speaking (Northern Quechua) indigenous community.
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