Friday, October 19, 2007

3D Topography Renderings (and future photos)

I created these images from digital elevation map data using GIS. They should help everyone orient themselves with the relative locations and elevations of the 3 relevant cities.

From Google Earth, the elevations for the cities are as follows:

Quito - 9,350 ft. (making it the 2nd highest capital in the world, after La Paz!)
Baeza - 6,200 ft. (almost higher than every point east of the Mississippi River)
Tena - 1,600 ft. (just east of the last large mountains in the Sierra)

Also, I've created a Picasa (Google) web album to share these and other pictures. The full-size renderings can be viewed there, and we can upload photos from Ecuador and other relevant pictures there in the future.


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