From some raster climate data of Ecuador in GIS, we have compiled precipitation, mean temperature, and maximum temperature data for both Tena and Baeza, by month. Some trends to note are that the temperature variables are nearly constant year-round, while the precipitation is much more variable (but always fairly heavy). Baeza's 91 inches of rain/year is more than nearly any city in the US, and Tena's 170 - nearly 1/2 inch of rain per day - are nearly double that.
This should be useful in getting an idea of how to manage and capture stormwater onsite, effort required to protect technology from precipitation and humidity, and aesthetic/programming considerations about how visitors and community members will interact with the spaces.
The data can be found in our Picasa album linked on the left side of this page.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tadao Ando -- Concrete Applications
After visiting The Pulitzer yesterday, I was inspired by the incredible concrete architecture of the building. The engineering team was literally past the forefront of previous applications of concrete when the building was constructed, and the forms that result from Tadao Ando's vision are amazing.
With concrete/rebar being the predominant construction method in much of Ecuador, we should think about pushing the limits of its uses -- with regard to natural light, insulation capacity, sustainability, etc. Of course, doing so with a much smaller budget and much simpler construction techniques...
See more of Ando's work here.
With concrete/rebar being the predominant construction method in much of Ecuador, we should think about pushing the limits of its uses -- with regard to natural light, insulation capacity, sustainability, etc. Of course, doing so with a much smaller budget and much simpler construction techniques...
See more of Ando's work here.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Bolivia's offerings to Mother Earth
Bolivia's offerings to Mother Earth
By James Ingham
BBC News, Bolivia
Although the majority of Bolivia's population is Catholic, many believe not just in a Christian God but one they have worshipped for millennia.
Indigenous and Christian beliefs have fused together here. God is worshipped but, just as important, is Pachamama or Mother Earth.
The Aymara people have lived in the Andes for more than 2,000 years, pre-dating the Incas who ruled over large parts of the west of South America.
An indigenous woman sells a llama foetus in Witches Street, La Paz, Bolivia
The llama foetus is considered sacred by many in Bolivia
Many of their traditional beliefs remained intact during the later Spanish colonisation and they still survive today.
In Bolivia, more than half the population consider themselves indigenous Indians. The Aymara is one of the biggest groups.
Even the president respects their ancient rituals.
In the steep, cobbled, back streets of La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital, it is easy to see these traditions being practised.
Witches' market
The area is busy. Day-to-day life is a constant bustle, with women selling fruit and vegetables, sitting alongside friends flogging alpaca wool hats to tourists.
We live and eat from the land. Pachamama is our mother and we have to respect her
Juana, spiritual healer
Here small shops and wooden stalls are stacked high with potions, charms, and herbs, and not too pleasant looking llama foetuses. More on them later.
Behind each one stands a woman, waiting patiently for her services to be needed.
In one of these stalls I got chatting to Juana and Ivan, a husband and wife team said to have a special gift.
Juana is a practising Yatiri, a spiritual healer.
Llama foetuses for sale in market
Llama foetuses are offered for sale in Bolivian markets
She learnt the craft from her father who was, in turn, guided by his father.
Her family, she says, has been blessed for generations, but she told me that of five children she is the only one with this power.
"I realised when I was nine that I could heal," she said. "I helped my mother and sisters when they got ill."
When she was 16 she started working on the stall, slowly taking over the business that has been on this spot for half a century.
For 12 years this very calm and gentle woman has been helping people who are sick and trying to bring them good luck.
"We live and eat from the land," Juana said.
Woman making offering
The offering included sugar tablets, herb and wool
"Pachamama is our mother and we have to respect her."
Many people burn offerings, hoping Pachamama will bring them good luck, health, fortune and happiness.
Juana offered to make me an offering too.
She began by spreading a base of herbs on a large sheet of paper. Then she started sifting through a box of small rectangular tablets made from sugar. Each one had a symbol on it - a house, a dollar bill, hearts, a star or a book.
She chose one with the outline of a condor, a giant South American bird. It would, she said, bring me positive energy and peace.
Wrapped in silver leaf
Another, with a picture of a nearby mountain, would bless me on my travels and she added another tablet that she told me would protect my health.
The offering was growing in size.
Map of Bolivia including the administrative capital La Paz
Next, were walnuts - again for health - sweets shaped like llamas - an animal that is so much a part of life here - more sugar cubes, then llama wool, the clothing of Pachamama.
On top of all this she placed a llama foetus.
If you were to dig up most Bolivian homes, you would find one of these buried beneath the foundations.
They are a gift to Pachamama, a way of apologising for cutting into her. They are an important part of any offering and are said to be very lucky.
The smoke swirling in circles was a sure sign of good luck
Next, she wrapped gold and silver leaf around the foetus, and added some llama meat, and incense, presumably to make the concoction smell nicer as it burnt.
Ivan meanwhile was chopping wood. Most people take their offering home to burn them there, but I did not think my hotel would be happy with that idea and I was sure Ivan could build a better fire.
He sent me off to buy some bottles of beer which we would use for a toast.
So right there on the street, next to the stall, we made the offering.
I placed the packet onto the wood and made my request to Pachamama.
With a little fuel, the fire took hold quickly. We toasted Pachamama with the beer, asking other stall holders to join in and wish me well.
James Ingham burns offering
An offering was burnt and prayers made to Pachamama
I should tell you at this point that I am soon to become a father for the first time and so my wishes from Pachamama naturally concerned the future for my child.
Juana was delighted and seemed genuine when she told me that the offering was being well received.
The smoke swirling in circles was a sure sign of this, apparently, and meant good luck.
The beer, she said, was particularly sweet, again a sign of luck.
She seemed really content when a man - no-one knew who he was - approached the fire seemingly transfixed by the flame.
"This is very lucky," she said. "And it means you'll have a son."
I will wait and see.
From Our Own Corresp
By James Ingham
BBC News, Bolivia
Although the majority of Bolivia's population is Catholic, many believe not just in a Christian God but one they have worshipped for millennia.
Indigenous and Christian beliefs have fused together here. God is worshipped but, just as important, is Pachamama or Mother Earth.
The Aymara people have lived in the Andes for more than 2,000 years, pre-dating the Incas who ruled over large parts of the west of South America.
An indigenous woman sells a llama foetus in Witches Street, La Paz, Bolivia
The llama foetus is considered sacred by many in Bolivia
Many of their traditional beliefs remained intact during the later Spanish colonisation and they still survive today.
In Bolivia, more than half the population consider themselves indigenous Indians. The Aymara is one of the biggest groups.
Even the president respects their ancient rituals.
In the steep, cobbled, back streets of La Paz, Bolivia's administrative capital, it is easy to see these traditions being practised.
Witches' market
The area is busy. Day-to-day life is a constant bustle, with women selling fruit and vegetables, sitting alongside friends flogging alpaca wool hats to tourists.
We live and eat from the land. Pachamama is our mother and we have to respect her
Juana, spiritual healer
Here small shops and wooden stalls are stacked high with potions, charms, and herbs, and not too pleasant looking llama foetuses. More on them later.
Behind each one stands a woman, waiting patiently for her services to be needed.
In one of these stalls I got chatting to Juana and Ivan, a husband and wife team said to have a special gift.
Juana is a practising Yatiri, a spiritual healer.
Llama foetuses for sale in market
Llama foetuses are offered for sale in Bolivian markets
She learnt the craft from her father who was, in turn, guided by his father.
Her family, she says, has been blessed for generations, but she told me that of five children she is the only one with this power.
"I realised when I was nine that I could heal," she said. "I helped my mother and sisters when they got ill."
When she was 16 she started working on the stall, slowly taking over the business that has been on this spot for half a century.
For 12 years this very calm and gentle woman has been helping people who are sick and trying to bring them good luck.
"We live and eat from the land," Juana said.
Woman making offering
The offering included sugar tablets, herb and wool
"Pachamama is our mother and we have to respect her."
Many people burn offerings, hoping Pachamama will bring them good luck, health, fortune and happiness.
Juana offered to make me an offering too.
She began by spreading a base of herbs on a large sheet of paper. Then she started sifting through a box of small rectangular tablets made from sugar. Each one had a symbol on it - a house, a dollar bill, hearts, a star or a book.
She chose one with the outline of a condor, a giant South American bird. It would, she said, bring me positive energy and peace.
Wrapped in silver leaf
Another, with a picture of a nearby mountain, would bless me on my travels and she added another tablet that she told me would protect my health.
The offering was growing in size.
Map of Bolivia including the administrative capital La Paz
Next, were walnuts - again for health - sweets shaped like llamas - an animal that is so much a part of life here - more sugar cubes, then llama wool, the clothing of Pachamama.
On top of all this she placed a llama foetus.
If you were to dig up most Bolivian homes, you would find one of these buried beneath the foundations.
They are a gift to Pachamama, a way of apologising for cutting into her. They are an important part of any offering and are said to be very lucky.
The smoke swirling in circles was a sure sign of good luck
Next, she wrapped gold and silver leaf around the foetus, and added some llama meat, and incense, presumably to make the concoction smell nicer as it burnt.
Ivan meanwhile was chopping wood. Most people take their offering home to burn them there, but I did not think my hotel would be happy with that idea and I was sure Ivan could build a better fire.
He sent me off to buy some bottles of beer which we would use for a toast.
So right there on the street, next to the stall, we made the offering.
I placed the packet onto the wood and made my request to Pachamama.
With a little fuel, the fire took hold quickly. We toasted Pachamama with the beer, asking other stall holders to join in and wish me well.
James Ingham burns offering
An offering was burnt and prayers made to Pachamama
I should tell you at this point that I am soon to become a father for the first time and so my wishes from Pachamama naturally concerned the future for my child.
Juana was delighted and seemed genuine when she told me that the offering was being well received.
The smoke swirling in circles was a sure sign of this, apparently, and meant good luck.
The beer, she said, was particularly sweet, again a sign of luck.
She seemed really content when a man - no-one knew who he was - approached the fire seemingly transfixed by the flame.
"This is very lucky," she said. "And it means you'll have a son."
I will wait and see.
From Our Own Corresp
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Ideas from Kosovo Competition
All of the finalists from this competition were innovative, but a few used materials especially well and we could learn from them while designing the chocolate factory and technology hubs. In particular, LDA Architects' reuse of damaged brick rubble and Shigeru Ban's famous recycled cardboard structural tubes should be looked into more.
Keep those minds open.
All of the finalists from this competition were innovative, but a few used materials especially well and we could learn from them while designing the chocolate factory and technology hubs. In particular, LDA Architects' reuse of damaged brick rubble and Shigeru Ban's famous recycled cardboard structural tubes should be looked into more.
Keep those minds open.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
School of the Americas Vigil
Hi Guys!
So this is sort of unrelated but i thought you might be interested: the School of the Americas is an organization funded by our government that has provided weapons and military training to various governments and other groups in Latin America for a number of years. There is a protest against the SOA held every November at the organization's facility in Georgia, and this year WashU Amnesty is attending. I am planning on going, and it would be wonderful if we could get a decent number of students from Wash U! For more info. on the protest you can go to . Below is a copy of the email from Amnesty about the trip.
"Hey Wash U Amnesty Members!!!
This is David Weisshaar. I am writing to let you guys know about options for going to the 2007 School of the Americas Vigil. The Vigil will be held on the weekend of November 16-18. There is a group in St. Louis called the Interfaith Committee on Latin America that is taking a bunch of people down to Georgia for the Vigil. One of the directors of the organization told me that she would be glad to add any Wash U student to her trip.
Here are the details:
-We would leave at about 5 P.M. on Friday, November 16 from the organization's headquarters, which are very near to campus
-We would return at about 1 A.M. on Monday, November 19
-The total cost of the trip is $105, which includes transportation, hotel lodging, and breakfast on Sunday morning. You would probably want to bring a little bit of extra money for food.
-We would attend workshops, meet with non-governmental organizations, and attend the main protest and direct action at the gates of SOA
If you guys are interested in attending the Vigil, please email me at as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!"
So this is sort of unrelated but i thought you might be interested: the School of the Americas is an organization funded by our government that has provided weapons and military training to various governments and other groups in Latin America for a number of years. There is a protest against the SOA held every November at the organization's facility in Georgia, and this year WashU Amnesty is attending. I am planning on going, and it would be wonderful if we could get a decent number of students from Wash U! For more info. on the protest you can go to . Below is a copy of the email from Amnesty about the trip.
"Hey Wash U Amnesty Members!!!
This is David Weisshaar. I am writing to let you guys know about options for going to the 2007 School of the Americas Vigil. The Vigil will be held on the weekend of November 16-18. There is a group in St. Louis called the Interfaith Committee on Latin America that is taking a bunch of people down to Georgia for the Vigil. One of the directors of the organization told me that she would be glad to add any Wash U student to her trip.
Here are the details:
-We would leave at about 5 P.M. on Friday, November 16 from the organization's headquarters, which are very near to campus
-We would return at about 1 A.M. on Monday, November 19
-The total cost of the trip is $105, which includes transportation, hotel lodging, and breakfast on Sunday morning. You would probably want to bring a little bit of extra money for food.
-We would attend workshops, meet with non-governmental organizations, and attend the main protest and direct action at the gates of SOA
If you guys are interested in attending the Vigil, please email me at as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!"
Friday, October 19, 2007
3D Topography Renderings (and future photos)

I created these images from digital elevation map data using GIS. They should help everyone orient themselves with the relative locations and elevations of the 3 relevant cities.
From Google Earth, the elevations for the cities are as follows:
Quito - 9,350 ft. (making it the 2nd highest capital in the world, after La Paz!)
Baeza - 6,200 ft. (almost higher than every point east of the Mississippi River)
Tena - 1,600 ft. (just east of the last large mountains in the Sierra)
Also, I've created a Picasa (Google) web album to share these and other pictures. The full-size renderings can be viewed there, and we can upload photos from Ecuador and other relevant pictures there in the future.

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Lifecycle Building
Here's an article about a recent design competition, the Lifecycle Building Challenge. The concepts are very applicable to our project, especially the mobility, modular nature, and 'design for deconstruction' principles.
Here are some more projects to check out and get the ideas flowing:
Here are some more projects to check out and get the ideas flowing:
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