Monday, November 12, 2007

Ecuador Climate Data - Tena and Baeza

From some raster climate data of Ecuador in GIS, we have compiled precipitation, mean temperature, and maximum temperature data for both Tena and Baeza, by month. Some trends to note are that the temperature variables are nearly constant year-round, while the precipitation is much more variable (but always fairly heavy). Baeza's 91 inches of rain/year is more than nearly any city in the US, and Tena's 170 - nearly 1/2 inch of rain per day - are nearly double that.

This should be useful in getting an idea of how to manage and capture stormwater onsite, effort required to protect technology from precipitation and humidity, and aesthetic/programming considerations about how visitors and community members will interact with the spaces.

The data can be found in our Picasa album linked on the left side of this page.
